【萬聖節嚟紗廠 】 抽獎活動條款及細則

  1. 本抽獎活動由中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(「香港」)的南豐紗廠營運有限公司舉辦。推廣期為2024年10月25日至2024年11月3日(包括首尾兩天)(「推廣期」)。


  1. 凡符合以下所有規定的人士 (「合資格客戶」)均可參加抽獎活動:

  1. 持有有效香港永久性居民身份證的香港居民;及

  2. 於登記參加抽獎活動時已年滿18歲;及

  3. 已成功登記成為NF Touch會員;及  

  4. 在推廣期內於南豐紗廠單一淨額消費滿港幣$400或以上,並於消費當日的上午10點至晚上10點親身前往南豐紗廠禮賓部出示有關收據正本、NF Touch 會員資料及完成抽獎登記。 

  1. 合資格客戶必須出示收據正本。恕不接受損毀,複印或重印的收據。每張收據只能使用一次並只可用於一項優惠,且收據上顯示的金額不可分割。


  1. 以下交易不符合參加抽獎資格:

  1. 以優惠券、餅卡及婚嫁禮券/禮卡、儲值卡、禮券、換領券、cash dollars或類似方式支付的交易;

  2. 在第三方平台上支付的交易,包括來自商戶網站或流動應用程式的網上交易及/或訂單,以及經餐飲外賣服務應用程式(例如Openrice、KeeTa、Uber Eats、Deliveroo和Food Panda等)進行的交易或類似交易; 

  3. 支付停車費;學費;過境巴士車票;慈善捐贈;小費;保險計劃的費用;婚宴;私人/商業宴會;賬單(包括但不限於支付電訊或公共事務費用); 活動/展覽/演出門票等類似交易;

  4. 購買任何種類的會籍、預付物品、現金券、禮品卡、優惠券、儲值卡、預付卡或類似物品;

  5. 為八達通卡、儲值卡或預付卡或類似物品增值;

  6. 在/與/為/通過旅行社、物業代理、安老院、美容服務供應商或醫療或牙科診所/服務供應商或類似供應商進行的交易;或

  7. 南豐紗廠營運有限公司公布或全權酌情決定但不需預先通知的特定交易。


  1. 於推廣期內,每名合資格客戶完成抽獎登記後可獲得(1)次抽獎機會,如消費及抽獎登記均在晚上七點後完成,有關合資格客戶可獲額外(1)次抽獎機會 (即合共(2)次)。 


  1. 任何違反適用法律法規或存在實際或潛在利益衝突的人不符合資格參加本抽獎活動。任何參與舉辦或營運本抽獎活動之人士,均不得參加本抽獎活動。


  1. 在推廣期結束後,抽獎得獎者(每名「得獎者」)將由電腦隨機抽出。南豐紗廠營運有限公司將會就此活動送出總共三百五十五份(355)禮品(「禮品」),詳情如下:

  1. 南豐紗廠港幣$500消費券10張(總值﹕港幣$5,000)(得獎名額﹕(5)名)

  2. 南豐紗廠五周年八達通一張 (內含HK$50儲值額) (得獎名額﹕(20)名)

  3. 南豐紗廠五周年襪子系列一對 (款式不限) (得獎名額﹕(30)名)

  4. 南豐紗廠港幣$50電子優惠券 (購物及餐飲) 一張(得獎名額﹕(50)名)

  5. 南豐紗廠港幣$100電子優惠券 (購物及餐飲) 一張 (得獎名額﹕(50)名)

  6. 南豐紗廠港幣$20電子優惠券 (購物及餐飲) 一張  (得獎名額﹕(100)名)

  7. 南豐紗廠福袋一個 (得獎名額﹕(100)名)

  1. [得獎者將即時獲得獎券,得獎者需在2024年11月3日或之前於早上10點至晚上10點,憑獎券到南豐紗廠地下禮賓部進行領獎。]

  2. 得獎者必須出示獎券正本給禮賓部。恕不接受損毀,複印或重印的收據。每張獎券只能使用一次。

  3. 每張收據只可用於一項優惠。
  4. 南豐紗廠營運有限公司有權以任何其他貨品替代禮品而毋須另行通知。

  5. 禮品若有遺失或損壞,南豐紗廠營運有限公司概不負責。 

  6. 本抽獎活動的禮品或其他替代禮品(如適用)不可兌換更換、轉讓、退回或兌換現金、其他產品或服務。

  7. 禮品或其他替代禮品(如適用)的使用或兌換可能受到供應商適/賣家的條款和條件的限制。對於本抽獎活動中的禮品供應商/賣家所提供的商品和服務的質量,南豐紗廠營運有限公司概不負責,也不承擔任何責任。 

  8. 對於合資格客戶因參與本抽獎活動而產生或遭受的任何損害,損失,索賠,費用或訴訟,南豐紗廠營運有限公司概不負責。 

  9. 南豐紗廠營運有限公司有唯一的絕對酌情權決定客戶是否有資格參加抽獎。如果南豐紗廠營運有限公司在任何時候發現,無論是在推廣期之後還是在推廣期內,任何人未能不符合資格參加抽獎活動或違反本條款及細則的任何條文,南豐紗廠營運有限公司有權取消其參與抽獎活動及獲取禮品的資格。 

  10. 得獎者有責任遵守任何有關授予禮品的稅收,關稅,徵稅或類似罰款的法律(自費),南豐紗廠營運有限公司對此不承擔任何責任。 

  11. 如有任何有關本抽獎活動的爭議,南豐紗廠營運有限公司保留一切最終決定權,並具約束力。

  12. 南豐紗廠營運有限公司隨時保留更改此條款及細則和本抽獎活動的權利,並擁有取消或終止本抽獎活動的最終決定權而毋須事前通知。南豐紗廠營運有限公司對於任何更改、取消及終止概不承擔任何責任。

  13. 對於任何因電腦、網絡、伺服器失靈或故障或任何其他技術問題,而導致任何遺失、錯漏、延誤等情況,南豐紗廠營運有限公司不會承擔任何責任。

  14. 報名參加抽獎即代表合資格客戶接受此推廣的所有條款及細則。

  15. 如本抽獎活動任何宣傳資料的內容與此條款及細則之間有差異,此條款及細則應適用。  

  16. 本抽獎活動受香港法律及監管條例約束。 

  17. 本抽獎活動只於香港舉行。本條款及細則受香港的法律規管,並按照香港的法律詮釋。各方均須接受香港法院的專屬司法管轄權管轄。  

  18. 本條款及細則的中英文版本如有歧義或不一致,概以英文版本為準。

  19. 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼﹕[XXX]

【Halloween@ The Mills】 Lucky Draw Terms & Condition

The Lucky Draw Terms and Conditions: 

  1. This event is organized by The Mills Operation Limited of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”). The event period for this lucky draw (the “Lucky Draw”) is from 25 Oct 2024 to 3 November 2024 (both dates inclusive) (the “Promotional Period”). 


  1. Participants of the Lucky Draw must meet all of the following requirements (“Eligible Customers”):


  1. Be a permanent resident of Hong Kong with a valid Hong Kong Identity Card; and

  2. Be aged 18 or above on 25 Oct 2024; and

  3. Successfully register as an NF Touch member on the NF Touch app; and 

  4. Present an original same-day single purchase receipt of $400 or above during the Promotional Period at The Mills concierge between 10am to 10pm on the day of the purchase and present the relevant NF Touch member details for Lucky Draw registration. 


  1. Original receipts must be presented. Damaged, duplicated and re-printed receipts will not be accepted. Each receipt can be used once and applied towards one offer only, and the amount shown on the receipt cannot be split.


  1. The following transactions are NOT eligible receipts:

  1. Transactions paid by coupons, cake cards and wedding coupons/vouchers, stored-value cards, certificates, vouchers, cash dollars or similar currencies;

  2. Transactions paid using third-party platforms, including online transactions and/or orders from a merchant’s website or mobile app, and transactions via mobile app for food and beverage takeaway services (e.g. Openrice, KeeTa, Uber Eats, Deliveroo and Food Panda) or similar transactions;

  3. Payment of parking fees; tuition fees; cross-boundary coach tickets; charity donations; tips; insurance premium; wedding banquet(s); private/commercial banquet(s); bills (including but not limited to payment of telecommunication or utility bills); event/exhibition/show tickets and the like;

  4. Purchase of any kind of membership(s), pre-paid items, cash vouchers, gift cards, coupons, stored value cards, pre-paid cards or similar items; 

  5. Adding value to Octopus cards, stored value cards or pre-paid cards or similar items;

  6. Transactions conducted at/with/for/through travel agencies, property agencies, elderly homes, beauty services providers, medical or dental clinics/service providers or similar merchants; or

  7. Specified transactions announced/determined by The Mills Operation Limited without prior notice at its absolute sole discretion.


  1. During the Promotional Period, each Eligible Customer who successfully registers for the Lucky Draw can receive one (1) Lucky Draw chance. Eligible Customers who made the eligible spending of $400 or above after 7pm and complete the registration can receive one (1) extra Lucky Draw chance (i.e. total of two (2) chances). 


  1. Any person who acts in breach of applicable laws and regulations or who has an actual or potential conflict of interest will not be eligible for participating in the Lucky Draw. A person who is involved in organizing or running this Lucky Draw is also not eligible for participation.


  1. Lucky Draw winners (each a “Winner”) will be drawn randomly by a computer system at the end of the Promotional Period. A total of three hundred and fifty-five (355) prizes (each a “Prize”) will be given out in connection with this event:  

  1. Ten (10) The Mills HK$500 e-coupon (total value: HKD$5,000) (number of winners: 5);

  2. Twenty (20) The Mills 5th Anniversary Octopus card (with HK$50 preloaded) (number of winners: 20);

  3. Thirty (30) The Mills 5th Anniversary Socks (in random style) (number of winners: 30) ;

  4. Fifty (50) The Mills HK$50 e-coupon (Shopping & F&B) (number of winners: 50);

  5. Fifty (50) The Mills HK$100 e-coupon (Shopping & F&B) (number of winners: 50);

  6. One hundred (100) The Mills HK$20 e-coupon (Shopping & F&B) (number of winners: 100); and

  7. One hundred (100) The Mills goodie bag (number of winners: 100).


  1. Winners will receive a winning ticket immediately. The Winner must present the winning ticket to the Concierge on G/F to claim the prize on or before November 3, 2024 during opening hours from 10 am to 10 pm..]

  2. Winners must present the original winning ticket to the Concierge. Damaged, copied or reprinted tickets will not be accepted. Each winning ticket can only be used once.



  1. Each receipt can only be used for one offer.


  1. The Mills Operation Limited reserves the right to replace the Prize with any alternative gift without prior notice.


  1. The Prize is not replaceable in the event of any loss or damage. 


  1. The Prize or alternative gift (where applicable) offered under this Lucky Draw cannot be, exchanged, transferred, returned, refunded or converted to cash, other products or services.


  1. Use and/or redemption of the Prize (or any alternative gift) may be subject to additional terms and conditions prescribed by the supplier/vendor. The Mills Operation Limited is not responsible for and shall have no liability in respect of the quality of goods and services provided by such supplier/vendors.


  1. The Mills Operation Limited shall not be liable for any damages, losses, claims, costs or proceedings incurred or suffered by any Eligible Customer as a result of their participation in the Lucky Draw.


  1. The Mills Operation Limited has the sole and absolute discretion in determining a person’s eligibility to join the Lucky Draw. If The Mills Operation Limited discovers at any time, whether after or during the Promotional Period, that any person is ineligible to participate in the Lucky Draw or has failed to comply with these terms and conditions, The Mills Operation Limited is entitled to disqualify the person from participating in the Lucky Draw and receiving the Prize.


  1. It is the Winners’ responsibility to comply (at their own expense) with any laws requiring payment of any tax, duty, levy or similar impost relating to the award of the Prize, and The Mills Operation Limited shall have no responsibility in respect thereof.


  1. In the event of any dispute arising from the Lucky Draw, the decision of The Mills Operation Limited shall be final and conclusive. 


  1. The Mills Operation Limited reserves the right to change these terms and conditions and terminate the Lucky Draw at any time without prior notice. The Mills Operation Limited accepts no liability for any such change or termination. 


  1. The Mills Operation Limited shall not be responsible or held liable for any loss, error or delay, etc. due to any computer, network, server failure or malfunction or any other technical problems.


  1. Registering for the Lucky Draw will be deemed to be the acceptance of all terms and conditions of the Lucky Draw by the Eligible Customer.


  1. If there is any conflict between the information contained in any promotional materials for this event and these terms and conditions, these terms and conditions shall prevail. 


  1. The Lucky Draw is subject to the prevailing Hong Kong regulatory requirements. 


  1.  The Lucky Draw is held within Hong Kong only. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong. 


  1. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.


  1. Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: [XXX]