The Mills Chocolate Dessert Carnival

01.06.2024(Sat) 02.06.2024(Sun)


01.06.2024(Sat) 02.06.2024(Sun)

After a six-month hiatus, following last year’s “Sweet Green Carnival” themed on vegan desserts, The Mills Dessert Carnival is set to make a grand return in early summer this year! From 1 to 2 June, The Mills will transform into a chocolate factory and invite eleven local dessert shops rooted in the community to hold the “Chocolate Dessert Carnival.” Talented local chocolate pastry chefs will showcase their chocolate magic and create a cocoa feast exclusively for Hong Kong with their exquisite craftsmanship, allowing the public to indulge in a sweet and blissful experience.

Over the years, The Mills has been committed to promoting local originality and aims to use the Dessert Festival to vigorously drive the local dessert culture, allowing more people to get to know the excellent local dessert artisans and taste the flavors they create that belong to Hong Kong. The Mills has specially invited eleven popular local dessert shops’ chocolate pastry chefs to participate in this Dessert Carnival, allowing them to showcase their infinite creativity and blend various production techniques to create chocolate desserts that cater to the taste buds of Hong Kong people. The invited popular dessert shops include Beelieve Bakery, C Bakery, Dough Re Mi, Emeow Cake Shop, Frenchie Patisserie, Frolicbake, mochitorihk, Pan Daily Bakery, TA-DA! Club, The White Cake, The White Cake, and &SCONE. They will bring homemade chocolate desserts, including innovative flavors developed exclusively for this Dessert Carnival. This ensures that every guest in attendance can immerse themselves in the enchanting chocolate magic full of happiness. 

In addition, from 23 to 29 May, NF Touch members can have exclusive access within the NF Touch application to pre-order selected desserts from eleven dessert shops. Please stay tuned to The Mills’ social media platforms for more details.

The Mills Chocolate Dessert Carnival
Date:1 to 2 June 2024 (Sat & Sun)
Time:1200 to 1900
Venue:1/F, The Mills 

All the local dessert artisans participating in the “Chocolate Dessert Carnival ” hold a professional craftsman attitude. While drooling over the taste of each dessert, let us take a closer look at the dessert shops participating in this event:


Pan Daily Bakery 名字中的Pan是日語中[パン]麵包的發音,從小便喜愛日本文化及烘焙的店主,希望能將日本的烘焙文化及職人精神帶來香港。小店主要使用日本進口食材, 全人手製作無添加的新鮮日式麵包及甜點。



Frenchie pâtisserie 主打法式甜品,由店主一人主理,當中的招牌甜品定必是聖安娜蛋糕 (Saint Honoré)。 朱古力聖安娜蛋糕是傳統的法式甜品,因為製作過程繁複,坊間比較少見,但店主仍堅持每天新鮮製作,希望更多人認識這種甜品。

店主曾經在主打做朱古力甜品的公司工作過,發現朱古力有好多可能性,所以特別喜歡創作與朱古力相關的甜點。店舖用了好幾款的單品可可(Single origin cocoa,即是沒有經過混合、純單一產地的可可豆)製作甜品,每一款都各有不同的風味,將之配搭其他不同的食材更可以將單品可可提昇到另一個層次。

伯爵茶朱古力撻、黑朱古力saint honore、chocolate whisky saint honore


「麻糬才是甜品的主角」,店主相信麻糬除了樸素簡約的味道,亦代表柔韌自如、百搭而充滿變化,正正在逆境下療癒大家心靈。麻糬鳥希望保持這份初心,帶來最滿足的美味,おいしい ! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 




店主在是次「朱古力甜品祭」特別想透過自家甜品傳遞朱古力獨有的幸福及甜蜜給到訪的客人。因為店主是「薄朱控」,所以透露想私心地藉自家製「薄荷朱古力Oreo毛巾卷」找同好。 另外,夏天是芒果的季節,以朱古力配上時令水果,酸甜交織,超級match!





朱古力的不同濃度和產地 味道都會有分別,所以會利用不同配搭去做出不一樣風味的甜品。


❛ TA-DA! #worthabite ❜崇尚「GOOD FOOD GOOD MOOD」,除了着重甜品的品質及味道,他們的產品一個重要的元素 / 主題就是開心 / 快樂  他們會研究製作時興好味、新奇有趣、甚或是幸福回憶感滿滿的產品,希望可以將獨一無二的「味道」不時分享給每一位特別的「您」。






Inclement Weather Special Arrangements: 

If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted during the event period, the event will be cancelled.

  • If the above warning signals are hoisted, the event will proceed as scheduled for the entire day.
  • If the above warning signals are cancelled at or before 2:00 pm, the event will proceed as scheduled. However, the IG shops will have the opportunity to decide whether to continue their sales for the day based on the specific circumstances. Please stay tuned to The Mills' social media platforms for updates.
  • If the above warning signals are cancelled after 2:00 p.m., the event will be cancelled for the day.

If the event cannot be held as scheduled due to weather or other factors, customers who have pre-ordered desserts for the day can pick up their orders within the event time on 2 June, or choose a refund. For refund requests, please contact The Mills by 7:00 pm on 1 June. Contact details: WhatsApp 6289 0072.